Finding the right pieces

It’s over three months since we moved from Sydney to London. I still have a few blank walls that require some love! I just couldn’t decide on what to purchase so have made some of the prints myself. Below are a selection that we will be hanging in our own home.

For the Kitchen 


The living room






All prints (in much higher resolution) available at our Etsy Store Ruby and B



Nouveaux Peasant

I read a really interesting article today in an old issue of Harper’s Bazaar UK. Apparently there are many other people also looking for a simpler life of veggie growing, hand making, animal raising bliss. I had no idea that these like minded people are now sometimes referred to as Nouveaux Peasants. I find it comforting that there are so many others looking for a different lifestyle. With shows like River Cottage and The Great British Sewing Bee being popular it’s obvious that our generation are interested in handmade and sustainable living.

For now I have my herbs and the odd school run with Hunter Wellies but I hope to one day tend to a huge veggie patch and wear the Hunters on my way to grab a fresh egg for breakfast. Time to check out what the English countryside has to offer.

Here’s a snippet from the article:



Our handmade items are available at our Etsy Store Ruby and B



Baked apples

Dear husband found some huge and delicious apples at our local grocery store. I decided to bake them for dessert.

After washing and coring the apples I placed them in a prepared baking tray. I then made a mixture of brown sugar, butter, cinnamon and raisins. Mixed it well with clean hands and then stuffed it into each apple. I placed a dollop of butter on each apple then poured boiling water in the baking tray. I then placed in the preheated over at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes. After removing the tray from the oven I basted the apples in the now delicious apple juice.

Served with custard! The family loved it. This is what the apples looked like pre baking. They were so delicious I forgot to take a photo of the finished dish.
