The sixth week

It has almost been six weeks since we planted our very first seedlings! Everything seems to be growing really well although I’m a little worried about the beetroot. I think we may end up with lots of leaves but small bulbs! Will have to wait and see.

Here’s our latest harvest for tonight’s dinner. We have peas!



So many beetroot leaves

We’ve had so much rain in Sydney over the past few weeks! The beetroot we planted keeps growing so many leaves. The leaves are actually delicious and can be cooked up just like spinach.

Today we had leftover spaghetti for lunch. I added a handful of beetroot leaves and a couple of our lettuce leaves when reheating the spaghetti on the stove top.




The peas after the rain

It hasn’t stopped raining all weekend here in Sydney. I usually have a little check of my veggies every day however because of the rain I didn’t bother checking them yesterday.

When Ruby and I stepped out to have a peek earlier we were thrilled to see a little pea pod! Then on closer inspection we saw there were three!

We planted the seedlings about 8 weeks ago using the mix I detailed in a previous blog post.



Edible beauty?

My love affair with beauty products started when I was about 14. Mum took me for special shopping trip to purchase the Clinique 3 Step pack. From that moment I loved trying out products, always searching for the ‘perfect’ product!

Along with my love affair with products I’ve always had a kind of love/hate relationship with my skin. Probably more hate than love in that relationship! When I think about key events I always remember what I wore….and I ALWAYS remember the state of my skin at that moment in time. The worst breakout I have ever had on my forehead happened to occur on my last trip to Paris. After twice daily trips to Starbucks and eating my weight in Macarons my skin decided to teach me a lesson. So sad walking around Paris with the worst breakout of my entire life! No exaggeration people. My skin has been at it’s absolute best each time I’ve given birth (twice….so far). Thinking back there have been two things I can pinpoint that may be the reason. One is breastfeeding made me so thirsty I was literally drinking 3 litres of water per day! Secondly I was usually so time poor that instead of spending 30 minutes to an hour slathering a million products on my face I resorted to a simple regime of facial cleansing wipes..that’s it…no toner, no pimple cream, no miracle wrinkle cream.

Baby number two just turned 5 months old and my skin has started to resort to being just blah most days. Probably because I am once again using a million different products each with it’s own concoction of chemicals (some very very nasty). So a few weeks ago I decided to throw most of my beauty regime products away. What have I been using? Well so far I’ve been making do with whatever is in my kitchen. Oats, honey, milk, Apple Vinegar Cider, Camomile…Green Tea…and more. I used honey, water and bicarb soda last night. My skin felt comfortable and all make up was removed. Here are some of the recipes  I’ve been using for DIY beauty products:


Honey & Bicarb makeup remover: using fingertips rub some honey and a sprinkle of bicarb soda onto a wash cloth. Softly rub the cloth over your face and neck until all makeup is removed. Rinse with warm water.

Oat cleanser: Take 2 handfuls of instant oats. Grind these down either using a blender or a mortar & pestle.

Instant oats

Instant oats

I personally prefer the mortar & pestle as I like to keep some larger oat pieces for an exfoliating action.


Once the oats are ground down I place them in a jar and add enough boiling water so it looks like porridge. I then add some milk. Add more for a creamier cleanser. I then also add a little honey. Mix well and then store in the fridge.

Finished cleanser

Finished cleanser

To use just take some out with a spoon and rub all over your face. Oats are great if you usually experience redness.


Apple Cider: For a great cleanser mix Apple Cider Vinegar and water. Add more vinegar for oily skin or more water for dry skin. Wipe over cleansed face on a cotton ball or dab with fingertips.

This week I am experimenting with shampoo and body was making using essential oils, fresh herbs and castile soap! I’ll let you know how it goes!

Till then why not try some edible beauty for yourself!




Seeds…not so scary

After seeing our little seedlings continue to grow I decided it was time to actually plant some seeds.

Using tips I gained at the City of Sydney Edible Gardens workshop I decided to start with lettuce and carrots. If you are growing vegetables in pots or containers then look out for varieties of seeds specifically suited to this. I found Mr Fothergill’s at our local Kmart. They have a specific range of seeds for container gardens!

Lettuce seeds

Lettuce seeds

At home I prepared small plastic containers (with my little helper) that had previously contained our seedlings. These are perfect to reuse and are small enough to store inside until your seedlings emerge from the soil. I used the same mix of soil, compost and vermiculite as I had some left over. Then I just scattered my seeds, covered with a light sprinkling of soil and watered.

At first I placed the containers outside and placed a plastic bag over the top. This acts as a greenhouse. We had a couple of days of heavy rain so I moved the seedlings inside and placed them on top of the fridge. This helps to warm the soil. After 6 days our little lettuce seedlings emerged!

Lettuce seedlings

Lettuce seedlings

Once the lettuce roots were visible through the bottom of the containers we transplanted into our pots outside. Don’t forget to give your transplanted seedlings a good watering!

We are going to try and plant more lettuce every couple of weeks so that we’ll have a decent supply. This is also a great activity to do with kids. Ruby loved sprinkling the seeds and was so excited to see the little green plants emerge.

So our first experience has been great so far. Hopefully they’ll keep growing!


Something to eat

Today was an exciting day. I finally had the chance to eat something from my edible garden! The beetroot seedlings we planted have been growing like crazy. Their leaves are edible and sweet according to numerous sources so I decided to try them for myself.

I cut 5 leaves from the crown of three beetroot plants. I then cooked these up in the same way I cook spinach for a breakfast with eggs. The result? Absolutely delicious. I ate them with two boiled eggs for a simple and nutritious lunch. It may sound silly but there really is something empowering about being able to walk out onto your balcony and snip a veggie or two for your lunch!

Beetroot leaves for cooking

Beetroot leaves for cooking


Getting started with an edible garden!

It’s been about 4 weeks since I attended a fantastic workshop run by the City of Sydney. The workshop was great for a novice like me! As part of the day we planted lettuce and herb seedlings in pots that we then got to take home. The little pot is doing really well and I can’t wait to try some lettuce! Unfortunately I lost all of the notes I took on the day…damn iPad…in my search for a simpler life maybe pencil and paper should make a come back. Anyway what I do remember I have outlined below. Anyone can do this and you don’t even need a yard! I’m currently growing veggies on my own inner city balcony.

Beetroot after 4 weeks

Beetroot after 4 weeks

Getting started:

Before you even start it’s a good idea to think about your available space and then assess the conditions. You’ll need to know how many hours a day the area is in full sun. Generally veggies will need between 4 – 6 hours of sun a day. Don’t just think about your balcony floor space, also look at walls and railings. There are great pots available for hanging off walls (great for tomatoes) or over balcony railings.

Once you’ve purchased your seedlings you’ll want to transplant (yep that’s what they actually call it!) the seedlings into a pot or even a container. Healthy soil, sun and water are your vital ingredients. Unless of course you decide to grow mushrooms and then you can just do it in your laundry if you wish.

To remove the seedlings from their tray you need to water lightly and then massage the tray. The seedling and soil will just slide out. This is the best way to remove your seedlings as they are quite fragile when they’re babies!

To make up the pots I mixed one third organic potting mix, one third vermiculite and one third organic compost. Give it a good mix in the pot. I then add in some Coir Peat Brick which is great for keeping soil moist and giving oxygen to the roots.

Once this is all mixed in you are ready to add your little seedlings! Check the instructions on the plant label so you know how deep and how far apart to plant your seedlings.

Once they are in give them a good watering. Lettuce is pretty hardy if you forget to water it so it’s great for beginners.

After four weeks it’s so exciting to watch my veggies growing.

Peas after 4 weeks

Peas after 4 weeks

The little plants are growing bigger every day!

I hope this inspires you to start your own edible garden.



The journey begins

As a self confessed Francophile I’ve always dreamt of moving to the French country side. Growing my own vegetables, baking bread and just living a simpler life. In reality I’d never even planted a seed!

My closest friends and family would say I am fashion obsessed. Actually shopping obsessed is an accurate description. My old way of thinking was ‘you can purchase anything you could ever need so why bother doing anything yourself!’. Since becoming the mum of one gorgeous little man (my second beautiful child) I’ve really had a bit of a shift in thinking.

My two

My lovely children

Living a simpler life really does seem like something I’d like to strive for. What could be better than being able to provide some of the things your family needs simply by taking the time to either plant a seed…or sew your little girl a dress. Not only have the last few months changed my way of thinking, it has also provided so many precious family moments.

So the journey really has begun. I attended a great workshop run by the City of Sydney on how to grow your own kitchen garden on your balcony, I’ve begun making my own household cleaning products and I’ve dipped a few toes into the world of handmade via some dolls and children’s clothes….and I’m loving it!

Handmade dolls

Handmade dolls

Will the journey take our family all the way to the French countryside?

Stay tuned!
